Are you a dabbler, stressor or a master?

Failure is usually seen as a total downer, something that we want to steer clear of no matter what. As leaders however, we’re constantly being told that failure is a good thing. Sure, we all know that in the quest for personal and professional growth, screwing up can actually be a game-changer and failure is the fire under our butts that forces us to learn some serious lessons. 

But, we don’t all respond to situations the same. Sometimes, the advice online can be really, well, “same-y.” If you’re a “Type A” kind of leader, sitting back and being patient isn’t going to quite cut it if your business is coasting along alright, but you want it to soar. Similarly, if you’re a “Type B” kind of leader, running yourself into the ground and doing everything isn’t going to play to your strengths of being emotionally intune and relaxed. 

So, instead of running away from failure and getting frustrated with the general advice available, why not find out what kind of leadership style you fit into and use that as a guide to the kind of approaches that work best? 

In this blog, we’re gonna dig into three ways to embrace failure as; a dabbler, a stressor, or a master. Each approach brings its own perks and chances to level up.

How to Embrace Failure as a Dabbler, Stressor or Master

The “Dabbler” Leader 

As a dabbler, you love to explore different leadership approaches and experiment with new ideas. You thrive on variety and enjoy adapting your style to different situations. You’re open-minded and willing to take risks, which often leads to creative solutions. Your team appreciates your ability to think outside the box and your willingness to try new things. In keeping with your adventurous spirit, you don’t necessarily feel the need to reach an expert level on any subject before you take action. 

Embracing Failure as a Dabbler

As a dabbler, you see failure as an essential part of your learning process. You approach new challenges with a sense of curiosity and experimentation. By embracing failure, you can experience several benefits:

  • Learning through experimentation: You are not afraid to try new things and explore different paths. Through trial and error, you gain valuable insights and learn what works and what doesn’t.
  • Building resilience and adaptability: Embracing failure helps you develop resilience and adaptability. You understand that setbacks are temporary and use them as opportunities to bounce back stronger.
  • Discovering new passions and interests: Failure allows you to explore new avenues and discover hidden talents or interests you might not have otherwise encountered.

Embracing failure as an important stepping stone to growth, and as a dabbler, you should keep nurturing your deep curiosity, imagination and willingness to dive into everything to get through the tough times and experiment with new business pathways.

Potential Dabbler downsides: what you can improve

Dabblers sometimes find that their focus tends to switch too quickly. While this is great for obtaining all-round knowledge, lack of expertise in specific areas can sometimes mean that you may spread yourself too thin and not actually make significant progress. As a dabbler, you need to trust to delegate certain tasks and try to not do everything yourself.

The “Stressor” Leader

As a stressor, you actively seek out challenges and intentionally put yourself in demanding situations. You deliberately push yourself outside of your comfort zone to grow and develop your skills. You thrive on pressure and use it to spark improvement in your business. Your aim is to become proficient or even an expert in whatever you’ve chosen to pursue, and you’re willing to put in the time, effort, and practice necessary to reach that level.

Embracing Failure as a Stressor

In your stressor perspective, you might see failure as a source of stress and anxiety. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By shifting your mindset, you can harness the power of failure to your advantage. If you embrace failure as a stressor, you’ll encounter a wide range of opportunities that can propel you forward:

  • Overcoming fear and stepping out of your comfort zone: Embracing failure empowers you to conquer your fear and push beyond your comfort zones. This leads to personal growth and equips you to tackle increasingly complex challenges.
  • Developing problem-solving skills and creativity: When failure becomes a stressor, it compels you to think creatively and find innovative solutions to overcome obstacles. You develop a mindset that embraces challenges as golden opportunities for growth.
  • Recognising failures as valuable learning experiences: As a stressor who embraces failure, you come to realise that setbacks offer invaluable lessons and feedback. You learn from your mistakes and use these experiences to improve future outcomes.

Embracing and letting failure be your teacher, will help you to step out of your comfort zone as a stressor, and get creative with problem-solving. Every failure is a stepping stone to success and you have the power to turn setbacks into remarkable comebacks.

Potential Stressor downsides: what you can improve

As a stressor, it’s important to be aware that constantly seeking out challenges and pushing yourself can lead to burnout and excessive stress if not managed effectively. Make sure to prioritise self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance to avoid neglecting important aspects of your life. Be mindful of the fear of failure and perfectionism, as they can hinder your progress and lead to self-criticism. Remember to explore beyond your focus area and stay open to new experiences and opportunities for learning and growth.

The “Master” Leader

As a master, you have devoted extensive time, effort, and practice to develop your skills to an exceptional level in your chosen area. Your expertise goes beyond just being merely proficient – you possess deep knowledge, refined techniques, and a thorough understanding of your craft. Through your dedication, you have achieved mastery and can confidently demonstrate your exceptional abilities that sets you apart and positions you as a leader in your field. 

Embracing Failure as a Master

In your perspective as a master, you have attained a remarkable level of expertise and mastery in your field. You fully recognise that failure is an inseparable part of the path to success and continue to embrace it as a means to cultivate your knowledge and skills. Embracing failure as a master offers several advantages:

  • Cultivating a growth mindset and continuous improvement: Masters view failure as a chance to refine their skills and knowledge continuously. They embrace the mindset of constant learning and improvement.
  • Gaining expertise and mastery in a specific field: Failure as a master enables individuals to deepen their understanding and expertise in a specific domain. By learning from failures, they can refine their skills and become true masters in their chosen field.
  • Inspiring and mentoring others through personal experiences: Masters who have embraced failure can inspire and mentor others on their own journeys. They share their personal experiences and provide guidance, offering valuable insights and encouragement to those facing setbacks.

As a master, your journey of expertise serves as an inspiration to others, showcasing the power of dedication and hard work. Keep striving for excellence and sharing your gifted flair with the world.

Potential Master downsides: what you can improve

While being a master in a specific field has its advantages, the potential downsides could mean you may find yourself developing a narrow focus and limited perspective. It’s crucial to remain open to change and innovation, resisting the temptation to cling to established methods. Be mindful of the pressure to maintain high standards and the potential for burnout. Remember to approach problems with a beginner’s mindset, embracing fresh perspectives and ongoing learning. Finally, acknowledge that once mastery is achieved, it may be necessary to seek new challenges and diversify your skill set to continue experiencing significant growth.

Overall Strategies for Embracing Failure

Regardless of your leadership style, there are strategies you can employ to embrace failure effectively, whether you’re a dabbler, stressor or master;

  1. Accepting and reframing failure as a natural part of the learning process: Instead of viewing failure as a personal flaw, see it as a necessary stepping stone on the path to success.
  2. Setting realistic expectations and goals: Set achievable goals and recognize that setbacks are an opportunity for growth, not a measure of your self-worth.
  3. Seeking feedback and learning from mistakes: Actively seek feedback from mentors, colleagues, or trusted individuals. Analyse your failures, extract valuable insights, and apply them to future

Embracing Failure As A Way of Life!

To sum it up, embracing failure is a powerful mindset that can lead to significant personal and professional growth. Having explored the dabbler, stressor, and master perspectives on failure, let’s quickly recap.

As a dabbler, failure is seen as an essential part of the learning process, providing valuable lessons and new discoveries. By adopting the stressor perspective, failure becomes a catalyst for improvement, by pushing yourself outside your comfort zones and fostering resilience. As a master, failure is recognised as a stepping stone towards expertise, leading to continuous refinement and innovation.

By embracing failure as a way of life, we gain an understanding that setbacks are opportunities for learning and progress. As you navigate your own path, remember that failure does not define you. It is how you respond to failure that shapes your future. Embrace it, learn from it, and let it fuel your journey towards greatness. Embracing failure is not a sign of weakness, but a testament to your strength and determination.